Mother of Grace. Natalie always placed all the expectations of family on Grace, and raised her to be like her; a strategizing mind with no mercy. When Grace left the family after being fed up with her mother’s overbearing cruel ways, Natalie swore to someday force her daughter to crawl back to her. After having lost her leg in battle, she is now Minister of Military and definitely knows how to use the power as the Ex-General of all Armies.

Tall (6ft ish), imposing, even if she’s a wheel chair she still has a 99% probability of kicking your ass if you piss her off. Her general days may be over, but that doesn’t mean that she won’t dress up in her retired military uniform with all the medals, especially if someone she doesn’t like is coming in and she has the chance to intimidate the shit out of them. She’s rather old, but even in her elder days there’s a sharpness to her that pierces even the thickest skin enemy.

THE head General of the armies for YEARS, Natalie is a force to be reckoned with. She has no fear and is more than capable of charging into a battle even if she needs someone to push her chair while doing so. Her presence commands respect, and she has a track record of having more victories than defeats, though she has been beaten by Grace before. Very vengeful, she does not let go of grudges with ease, but even she can put it aside if it means protecting the country.