Sister Theresa
Maria Neblett

Only appears for a brief time in Costine’s storyline, but still important. Sister Theresa is VERY old and has run the nunnery for a very long time. Yet, she calls herself and is considered to be an ally to the Vanators, often providing hidden sanctuary to them and helping them deal with certain political issues under her sway. She is a very old friend of Costine’s, and as such has earned the title Honorary Vanator.

Small but still very capable of kicking your ass. She definitely shows her age, as she’s practically a walking wrinkle with a cane, and has a very stern face most of the time. Despite her height, she carries herself with a certain air of arrogance, as she knows for a fact that she is someone to be respected and whose freaking earned it over the years. As a nun, she wears multiple thick robes as well as a hat of sorts to mark the fact she’s the head of the nunnery.

A bit arrogant from her accomplishments, a stern grandmother figure, and someone who can get away with berating any of the Originals.There’s a reason she’s considered an Honorary Vanator, and that’s because she’s been a stern yet patient teacher to them throughout the years, something that most humans have not been with the new race. While she may appear distant, she’s actually very caring and compassionate. It’s not uncommon for her to be in a slump whenever a life in the nunnery, a life that came to her in hopes of living dies under her care, even if she’s only known them for a bit.