Taurian Witt
Maria Neblett

A possible Party member for Arjun. Like many of the Slayers, Alexandra was a child who at a young age had her parents killed by monsters - In her case, Vanators. As the case for most orphans in Aldorf, she was sent to the Slayer Academy, where she trained to become a defender of the people and a killer of monsters.

A small, tiny fierce woman (4 ft 10- 5ft ish), she still manages to come off as downright terrifying- she’s seen some shit and is battle hardened because of it. Scars, some burn marks; she has earned some medals from her days as a Slayer. Like all Slayers, she wears a uniform - thick clothing to fight against the cold weather of Aldorf, perhaps a little worn from time, with a belt that has several weapons and survival trinkets in case of a worse-scenario.

Loyal to the core to the Slayers - she owes them everything. Strong, stubborn, hard-headed and brutally honest; she’s not here to make friends, she’s here to make sure you don’t die. That said, she does have moments of mercy, especially towards the victims of monster attacks, and has been known to show kindness to some, though not often and not in front of people she doesn’t trust. She’s lost a lot of good friends over the years from fighting and she’s learned that it’s easier to distance oneself than to waste time making friends.