The story isn’t so much of a singular story but rather many split up among the various genres.

  • The Real World: After a day of being bullied at school, a telephone call alerts your family to the disappearance of your grandma right after your grandparents moved into their new mansion. Troubled, your family drives over to visit them and search the place. Rivera Dulivre, the angsty and bookish protagonist, carries herself to the library to escape reality, only to find her family missing. She finds out that by reading a book, she can enter a genre and navigate the mansion. Once you find all of your family members, you discover that the house is haunted by a librarian who wasn’t able to return an overdue book before she passed away. By returning the book, you break the curse over the mansion and everything returns to normal.
  • All the other genres are to be written in the stories document.


  • Rivera Dulivre(Player Character): Rivera Dulivre, mocked by her classmates as the River Liver or the Deliverygirl, is a bookish and brooding young adolescent girl, about age 14. She is rather lonely and feels disconnected with her family, who seem to be getting along much better than she does. Rather than telling them about her experiences in school, she reads books as a form of escapism. Despite this, she truly cares for them and is willing to rescue them from peril.
  • The Dulivre Family: Rivera’s family consists of her mom, dad, older sister, and younger brother.
  • Her mom is a hard worker, though she longs for a getaway from the constant bustle of her career, delving through piles of fantasy romance novels.
  • Her dad also is a busy man of the no-nonsense variety, easily confused by most tropes of speculative fiction and not particularly genre savvy. Rivera has been recommending him a few books, mostly of the space genres, but he’s reluctant to read them…
  • Her older sister Tanya is easily the coolest person Rivera knows, always current with the latest trends and latest books, often of the dystopia genre.
  • Her younger brother Khalil is a giant weaboo and is a general embarrassment to Rivera, who often ends up protecting him from would-be bullies. He talks in Wapanese and is eager to act out his latest obsessions in manga, like becoming a mech pilot.
  • Grandpa and Grandma Dulivre: Rivera’s maternal grandparents who had originally given Rivera her love of books. They were especially excited to have recently purchased a mansion with an extensive collection of books and wanted to show it off to their grandchildren as soon as possible.
  • Grandpa is an academic man deeply in love with his wife. He’s rather fond of books set in the Victorian era, both in steampunk and gothic horror traditions. He is deeply troubled by the disappearance of his wife within their new mansion.
  • Grandma carries the vigor and excitement of a child in her tiny old body. A touch eccentric, she loves superhero comics and on occasion cosplays.