The player will see their health displayed in a bar on the screen. They would also see how much energy they accumulated for their ultimate attack (Think devil trigger from devil may cry). The enemies health bars would be displayed above their heads. There could be a bar showing how close you are to subduing a titan, but the titan combat will need to be fleshed out a bit.

The only menu necessary will be a pause menu. This will contain the map and any extra bits of lore the players have found. Also the options menu and the exit button obviously.


Cutscenes could be narrated by Pad’ua’s character after she absorbs the information in an artifact. Besides that the design of the enemies should convey their connection to their god and the environment will also evoke some of the theme and general setting.

Control Scheme (v1)

Button Action
1 Camera Look
2 Up/Down to cycle weapons. Left right key bound to consumables
3 Character Movement; Would be used to direct the rope weapon in planted mode; When pressed the character switches betweeen the two combat modes
4 N/A
5 Dodge
6 Controls the amount of silk flowing behind you. Harder you pull the trigger the less comes out
7 N/A
8 Pause Menu; This is where the map is
9 Activate wall run by pressing down, letting go has the player stop wall running; If the player is not near a wall this well be the run button
10 Pin silk to the ground or if the player is wall running to the wall they are running on
A Jump
B Heavy Attack
X Light Attack
Y Special Attack (dependent on weapon type)