- Rivera finds herself in the Superhero HQ laboratory where a number of superheroes freak out at her sudden appearance. She asks for her grandma, who has become the Shawled Crusader, and the superheroes leave her unattended. Suddenly, a minor villain appears and attacks, causing destruction to the lab and splashing Rivera with Chemical Y which gives her the ability to conjure pancakes from thin air. She and the Shawled Crusader give chase to the villain and capture him before retreating to his lair. Her Grandma declares Rivera to be her sidekick before flying away.
- Rivera finds herself and her grandma in the middle of a bank heist where they are stopping an actual supervillain who the minor villain worked for. Rivera has to set up situations for her grandma so that she can defeat the villain’s minions. However, it is revealed that this was all actually a trap- the villain captures her grandma with her only weakness phlebotinum, delivers a monologue, and whisks the Shawled Crusader away.
- Rivera has to rescue her grandma from the superhero lair, but he keeps running away to a new one: [BOSS RUSH]: she goes through the boss phases from previous genres and eventually, she confronts him right before he is about to use some Rube Goldberg machine that will destroy her grandma; Rivera destroys the machine while he’s monologuing and at this point has rescued her whole family.